How to hack Facebook account?
How to hack facebook account?
Every People want to hack other's facebook accout , they search for youtube, google, twitter and other search engine and
other media. Some of the hacker get knowledge easily who have greate knowledge of coding and secrety trick for hacking.
They used differents tricks to hack facebook accouts.
Let me say one trick from which you can hack other's facebook accout without any technical knowledge.
step-1 Make your facebook account with fake profile.
step-2 Use cute Girl's/boy's Photo there.
step-3 Add Some one whose account you want to hack.
step-4 Propose her for love.
step-5 When he/she accept request talk some time, make your talk romantic.
step-6 After some days beg her/his id and password and also give your too.
step-7 Talk 1-2 days after share your id and password.
step-8 Change his/her id's email, phone and password also do your same.
step-9 Now dissabled your account so that he/she don't know you are hacking.
Finally You became success to hack facebook account.
Discimilar: Using other's photos, property on facebook account is crime, Or Using Fake identity For differents purpose to
other's property is out of rule and of Crime. Please don't do that types of work. If you make such habits on other , you can
also caught on same place some how.
Next way to hack Facebook account.
If you have techincal knowledge or have a little knowledge of server side scripting and client side scripting you can do that easily.First You need to know the source code of facebook that can easily know by viewing source code , Some step for that are as follows.
step-1 Just browse facebook from from your laptop.
step-2 If you have login to account just log out, in this step you should see only login screen of facebook.
step-3 Right click your mouse and click on view page source or Press Ctrl+U once.
step-4 Then Copy all the souce and paste on notepad.
step-5 Change only where you see form action="" and keep your own file like login.php, signinn.php or any but these file have
their own code, I will Provide latter.
step-6 Just save these source code in name of index.php and upload to your website with login.php or signin.php.
step-7 Just give your site link to your friend to login to your site using facebook and say them , when you login to this site
you will see your facebook dashboard also. and they will do that to check whether its true or false.
step-8 when they Enter email and password it will go to your site like logs.txt file from login.php or signin.php file.
step-9 Just browse to see password, enter You will see password and email.
You succesed to find email and password this type of hacking is called phishing.
Please say me to send these secret code I will Email You.
Its for educational propose only just keep on mind and thanks for viewing this article.