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How to Get Job Easily?

I will Guide and share my experience to get job easily please read full article to understand how to get job.
good job

Most of the people want to do Job before having their own experience and they don't get any suitable job for their life time.
Let me show my own Experience why I did not get Job Yet.
I am a member of not poor not rich. My family can afford me for my reading how they can do, either by loan or by their own
earning, I want to do job to save loan , I search  Job for different place but did not get, I got job I did not do. Some job don't
suit me and Some Company Did not keep me as employer. Between 4 years I called for Job center who provide job, some time
I called in Company but No one hire, I lost my time and money during this period but did not got Job.

Why I did not do Job?
Because company provide less salary, working hour is more than I accept, Job is not suitable for my qualification.

Which Job I wanted to Do?
I am student of IT so I want to do on same sector.

Did I get Job in IT Sector?
Yes I got job but salary was less and the sector of IT is vast so I was not qualified to one sector.

Why Don't I go Other Sector?
Because I am student of IT and I was not do any job before on any Sector.

Why I didn't get promotion? why my salary did not increase?
Every company wants to grow their business econmically and for success in economically employer must do task properly, accuretly, sincerely.
Every people work for their own live not for benefits of company. They go and work time to time and leave office in time.
They only think they are doing for them self only and dont think they are working for company. Keep in mind if company
is taking more benefits from its product from activiness of employ , will not increase salary of you? yes surely it will do.

Okey , These are my experience for finding job for my level of education. During period of time I find some of major idea to
find job, some of major things must have myself.

Now let me share how to get Good Job.
The company who provide job are less than who want to do job, So be qualified in one Sector, If you are student of IT quaified
on Graphic Design, Photo Editing, web Design or any one of them , dont go through all sector. Evern if you have Politician leader or
relatives Company you will get job easily with out having qualified. If you really want to do job dont say its small , I don't do that
job, its not suitable for me, I am not that type of man to do this job. If you think so you will never get any job in your life.
Every Job/work have equal value so don't ignore to them. Even if you have not a least one job experience its difficult to get
job in any place.

Recommend to read: Why I failed to earn money from google adsense?

Before doing any job or before ready to search job you have to decide yourself for job but not by other, Other
people say its not suit for you, you should not do that job or any suggestion can given by them to you. So keep in mind
if you really want to do job be prepare from your own mind, be ready to do one thing that required for specific propose. You have
seen lots of people failed 100 or more times and Successed. Its people who failed more time are become greate man in world , no need
to say they are such type of people you know well.

Why company don't keep/hire for disqualified, poor qualified , less qualified people?
Once think that You are Director/Manajor of this company and searching for people who are motiviated, qualified people
who can grow high benefit for your company. If some one out of 10 is having less experience , less knowledge, to whom will
you select??? Yes really having less knowledge will out from there. So think that company you are going to get job, Major
who is providing job to you will like as you when you were before as Manajor of own company. So be ready, prepared,qualified to
get job. I will add some more text about it later, now let me say summary to get good job.

1. Be ready
2. Be Qualified
3. Think before doing
4. Prepare your homework
5. Collect raw Materials
6. Think Company as your own
7. Work For Company not for you.
8. Ignore some bad behavior of your mate,Major
9. Don't think other than you are doing
10. Be regular.

Some related links;
why I failed to do this job?

I never get promotion on my job.

why I didn't get suitable job?

what should I do to get good Job?

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