PTE Repeat Sentence Prediction August 2023
1. After considering all the options she desided to take risks2. The full list of undergraduade programs can be found on the website.3. The graph shows the population growth in the last century4. The origin of psychology can be traced back to ancient Greece5. Experts cannot agree on a single defination of intelligence6. There is a lot more about this topic in the university website.7. The literal output of this research is prolific and adverse.8. Knowledge become a vital role in young generation.9. All students depend on their future.10. Students must attend the safety course before entering the engineering workshop.11. At that time, People moved from towns to villages.12. She has a small business about toys.13. It is expected that all students have their own laptop14. You have to submit the project by the end of this week.15. None of the students found it difficult to get a job.16. His particualr interest is in the eighteenth century French Society.17. Such beheviours are regarded as a deviation of norm.18. There are alot of opportunities available for the student on campus.19. Before submitting the paper , your thesis must be approved by yout tutor.20. The office open on Monday and Thrusday following the freshman seminar.21. The professor took a year off to work on her book.22. You may not be allowed to read any books without the reading list.23. Most of the students advisors are extremely helpful.24. If you are worried about your work, you should see a study conselor .25. We have specially assigned staff to help you find appropriate work placement.26. Renewable energy sources are not used to produce electricity.27. Living in the twenty first century is increasingly stressful.28. Please make sure you use the standard form of quotation.29. Please read the article that was given out yesterday.30. Compiling a bibliography can present a major challenge for some students.31. By logging in, you agree to all terms and conditions regarding your entrollment.32. We werenot able to agree on the appropriate independent variables.33. The chemistry building is located near the entrance of the campus.34. Today we have a gust speaker who is visiting from Canada.35. Tomorrow's lecture has been canceled dut ot the power cut.36. The assessment of this course will begin next week.37. This will be the first art exhibition to be held by the university.38. I think that to raise the issue and to talk about 39. The university hosts a wide range of events both on and off campus.40. A balanced diet will help you study more effectively.41. At the end of the day, people want to profit from return on their investment.42. The support and advice of lecturers within the department has been invaluable.43. Graduates from this course generally find jobs in the insurance industry.44. All the works you consult need to be mentioned in the bibliography.45. On of the first mass transit systems was located in France.46. Speaking one or more foreign languages will be useful in your career.47. I have lectures on Tuesday from nine o'clock until two o'clock.48. The professor plans to discuss issues in the news that reflect concepts through the class.49. Each group should submit a rough outline of their project to their tutor.50. Whats going on can help paitents leave their fears at the door.51. There is a fitness center next ot the student union.52. Animal behavior appearance to contain both similar and distinct aspects to that of humans.53. Tomorrow evening, there will be a panel discussion on sustainable development.55. It's great privilege to welcome our guest speaker to our college.56. Key aspects of this investigation paradigm may prove useful in other spheres.57. All laboratory equipment will be provied in class.58. The key findings seem to contradict our initial hypothesis.59. Student's papers should be about a current social issue.60. Students who study overseas can significantly imporve work chances.61. Please note, submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances.62. Eating a healthy breakfast can provide energy thorougout the day.63. The bibliography needs to be removed prior to the publication.64. The cafeteria is open on Monday and Thrusday.65. The temporary library will be closed in the winter break.66. The first assignment is due on the fourthteenth of September.67. The bus right out in the front will take you to the station.68. Extension is only available under special circumstances.69. The deadline of assignment is the fourth of Februray.70. The beggar was laughed at by the children.71. The information you need for this meeting is on the website.72. The percentage of respondents who knew that the eart circles the sun once each year remained essentially unchanged.73.This thrusday is the last day for students to withdraw subjects witout any penalty.74. The amount of time spent on configuration varies considerably.75. The final exam will test material from all chapters covered in class this term.76. The tutorial rooms are located along the left-hand side.77. The English expression is just a way of saying that age is not important.78. You can borrow up to two books at the same time in the library.79. I am glad that Professor Gordon just joined our faculty.80. Mobile phone charges vary enormously from one place to another.81. There are many welcoming activities for new undergraduate and postgraudate students.82. Students can choose graduate certificate, graduate diploma and master course.83. Please note, the proposal submission deadline has been extended.84. Many species have not yet been discovered by biologist.85. He told me it was the most important assignment of all.86. The trial experiment is to increase the interest of the issue and the jurisdiction clause.87. We've been doing research in that area for probably twenty five years.88. The Media have had a great influence on People's beliefs and attitudes.89. You realize that you can deal with a lot of situations.90. Marks will be awarded for a bibliography in the correct format.91. The campus carpark will be closed next weekend.92. Understanding the historical context will help you appreciate the art in this ear.93. She's doing a master's degree by a distance learning.94. Numerious courses devoted to life sciences are listed in the prospectus.95. It's obviously vital that companies should fully understand their cutomers.96. The results of the study challenge previously held assumptions.97. Please make an apppoinment before attending the next meeting.98. Please make sure you have filled in all your details before submitting .99. Assignments should be submitted to the department office before the deadline.100. You have to submit porjects by the end of this week.101. You may use your student identification card to borrow books at the library.102. Keeping organized class notes will make study time more efficient.103. In Russia, my colleagues said my written language was hard to understand.104. For further information, you need to contact a member of our administration team.105. Students may not use calculators in the final exams.106. The first draft of the presentation is almost ready.107. The subject is complex and difficult to explain.108. In your introduction, show you understand the question in no more than four sentences.109. University play major roles in students lives.110. Telecommmunication is based on the array of networks.
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