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How to give personal Introduction in PTE- Sample Answer, Template for PTE for Personal Introdcution.

Personal Introduction do not carry any Marks on PTE, however It is important for the admission officer at College or University.  Before starting keep in mind, while giving your personal introduction, don’t speak slow or fast. Don't speak to many words. Just include what the prompt want from you. You can include your name, age, habitat, interest, working experience, education, and why you are taking PTE test in your Introduction. For your brief introduction, you can speak your full family information, permanent address, full education information, full work experience and more about you. But because of limited time on Personal Introduction, you have to limit your introduction. Here are Some Examples that you can use in your test.


Sample one

Hello, My Name is Ramesh KC. I am 25 Years old. I am Permanently from Address1 However residing on Address2. I have more than 4 Years of Working Experience as position in Government Office. I have passed my bachelor degree from Nepal But I want to pursue my Master degree from Foreign University so I am appearing in Pearson Test of English. Apart from that, I like to watch football on my free time.


Sample Two

Hello, My Name is Ramesh KC. I am 20 Years old. I live in Balkumari, Lalitpur Nepal. Currently, I am Working as Marketing Assistant in Nepal. I have passed my Plus two from Nepal But I want to pursue my Bachelor degree from Foreign University so I have appeared here in Pearson Test of English. Moreover, I am interested in Playing Cricket.


Sample Three

Hi, My Name is Keshar Khanal. I am 26 Years old. My Permanent Address is Godawari, Lalitpur Nepal. In this time, I am working as Business Development officer in a private office of Nepal. I have passed my bachelor from Nepal in BBS But I want to pursue my MBS from Foreign University so I have appeared here in Pearson Test of English. Moreover, I am interested in Playing Cricket.

I have included three sample examples above. You can use same template in your introduction. But don’t try template everywhere, know yourself and speak fluently while introducing yourself.

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