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Beware of this tips while writing an Essay on PTE Test


While writing an essay in PTE test we may not care of some tips that can decrease our marking even our writing is good. Before attending to write an essay we should care of some tips which are given below.

  • ·        Be mindful of the instructions, for example, the world limit of 200-300 words. To get target score write between 200-300 words.
  • ·        Read the subject or the question of the paragraph you are writing about.
  • ·        Make sure that you write in the correct academic English language.
  • ·        Never write in pointers or bullets.
  • ·        Always write in clear and compact paragraphs.
  • ·        Brush up on your academic vocabulary! It is very important to use good vocabulary when writing an essay.
  • ·     When you have composed your essay, leave a couple of moments to read what you’ve written, and make further upgrades. It is quite often possible to improve what you have composed the first run through. In your last read, pay special attention to these things.
  • ·        Watch what you have composed carefully on the given subject. It isn't remarkable for test-takers to lose their way after the main passage. Try not to get into one point so much that you miss the general picture.
  • ·        Write in simple language, stay away from a language that is excessively complicated.
  • ·   Plan your essay before you start writing. Many individuals use up all available time composing their essays since they keep changing their ideas on the part of their argument.
  • ·        Use a good structure. Because you won’t be able to decide, compose, and check everything within 20 mins. Of limited time.
  • ·        Ensure you don't repeat a similar words many times. When you start an argument, create it completely and afterward close it. Try not to continue bouncing to it in the resulting passages.
  • ·        Check for grammar mistakes, appropriate sentence structures, punctuation, and so on.

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