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Top 5 free responsive blogger templates

If you are interested to make blogging and want to earn some extra income
You have to set responsive and beautiful template for your blog. There are lots
of template that google it self provide. But out of blogger other blog 
designer make responsive and pro template for blogger. Some are provided as pro version
and some are free version. Pro version have more feature than free version. If you search on google
for pro version you can also find cracked file.

Some of the blogger templater that are free version also have lots of 
feature and have responsive views, mobile  views, mobile friendly.
let me show some five responsive and mobile friendly themes that are totally free.

5.The funk blogger template

Demo    Download

4.News pro responsive blogger Template

Demo Download

3. Zippo  blogger template

Demo   Download

2. Palki 2 Responsive blogger template

1. 3rd Ball responsive video template

Demo    Download

Some of the best reason about why to choose best themes.?

Every one like to be handsome from their appearance , from their behavior and other things, If Some one saw a beautiful even he is not hand some he like her. I am exactly true?  yes in such way the site , blog you are using must  like this beautiful girl . Choose following types of themes for your blogger.
1. Responsive
2. Mobile Friendly
3. User friednly
4. Easy Customization
5. Nice Looking  

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